📄️ Amazon Bedrock
A Wing library for Amazon Bedrock
📄️ AWS Budget
A Wing library for working with [AWS Budgets]
📄️ Cloud checks
A self-validation mechanism for cloud applications
📄️ cloudv2
Standard cloud library for Wing
📄️ Amazon Cognito
A wing library to work with Amazon Cognito
📄️ Containers
Deploy containers with Wing
📄️ Amazon DynamoDB
A Wing library for Amazon DynamoDB
A wing library for sending emails
📄️ Amazon EventBridge
A Wing library for working with Amazon EventBridge
📄️ FIFO Queue
A wing library to work with FIFO (first-in first-out) Queues
📄️ GitHub
A wing library to work with GitHub Probot
📄️ JWT authentication
Wing library for JWT authentication
📄️ Kubernetes (k8s)
Wing for Kubernetes
📄️ Lock
Wing library for cloud lock
📄️ Message Fanout
Wing library to fan out messages
📄️ Momento
Wing library for [momento](https://www.gomomento.com/)
📄️ ngrok
Wing library for [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/). Create local tunnels to Wing endpoints.
📄️ OpenAI
Wing library for [OpenAI](https://openai.com/)
📄️ Postgres
Wing library for [Postgres](https://www.postgresql.org/)
📄️ Python
A Wing library for running [Python](https://www.python.org/) code in [inflight](https://www.winglang.io/docs/concepts/inflights#inflight-code).
📄️ React
A Wing library for [React](https://react.dev/)
📄️ Redis
A Wing library for [Redis](https://redis.io/)
📄️ Amazon SageMaker
The library enables owners of a trained sagemaker model, to access its Endpoints from a winglang [inflight](https://www.winglang.io/docs/concepts/inflights#inflight-code) code.
📄️ Amazon SES
Wing library for interacting with Amazon SES.
📄️ Wing simulator utils
[Wing simulator](https://www.winglang.io/docs/platforms/sim) utility library
📄️ Slack
A Wing library for working with [Slack](https://slack.com/)
📄️ Amazon SNS
A Wing library for working with [Amazon SNS](https://aws.amazon.com/sns/)
📄️ Terraform utilities
Terraform utilities library for Wing
📄️ tsoa
A Wing library for working with [TSOA](https://tsoa-community.github.io/docs/) - An OpenAPI-compliant Web APIs using TypeScript.
📄️ Vite
A Wing library to deploy [Vite applications](https://vitejs.dev/) to the cloud.
📄️ WebSocket
A Wing library that enables you to create WebSockets using Wing.